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WCK's Hurricane John Response (Sept.-Oct. 2024)


WCK’s Relief Team is in Acapulco to assist communities impacted by Hurricane John. After making landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on Monday night, it has now reemerged as a Category 1 “zombie storm,” regaining strength and returning to bring even more rain to coastal towns.

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WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. When disaster strikes, WCK’s Relief Team mobilizes to the frontlines with the urgency of now to start cooking and provide meals to people in need. By partnering with organizations on the ground and activating a network of local restaurants, food trucks, or emergency kitchens, WCK serves comforting meals to survivors of disasters quickly and effectively. We know that good food provides not only nourishment, but also comfort and hope, especially in times of crisis.

WCK has provided more than 400 million fresh, nourishing meals for communities around the world. Your donation today will be used to support our emergency food relief efforts.

WCK Tags:
food, relief, food relief, food security, aid, crisis, international, disaster, disaster relief, hunger, hunger relief, emergency, meals, cook, comfort, nourish, people, community, local, global, humanitarian, climate, climate disaster, kitchen, Jose Andres, chef, storm, hurricane

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